Server Application Sockets

Server Application in MonaServer uses LUA engine. This engine can be extended with some LUA extensions to add some required features (for more details see Server Application page.) Usually to add sockets feature in LUA, the extension LUASocket is used. But this extension has three disavantages to create a Server Application in MonaServer:

  • All methods to receive and send data are in a blocking mode by default. It can be changed, but it works not correctly especially in TCP. LUA is essentialy single-threaded, and the handle have to return to Mona quickly on each script processing. We have need of non-blocking socket features which works with performance in all circumstances.
  • LUASocket don’t work always fine on Windows.
  • It duplicates uselessly socket cross-platform features already provided by Mona in its core.

For all these reason, we have made available a new LUA socket features mapping on Mona socket intern framework, with only non-blocking methods.

TCP Client

To create a TCP client, call mona:createTCPClient() method (see Mona object). Here’s a complete sample to understand its usage:

socket = mona:createTCPClient()
function socket:onData(data)
  NOTE("Reception from "..self.peerAddress.." to "..self.address)
  self:send(data) -- echo sample
  return 0 -- return rest (all has been consumed here)
function socket:onDisconnection()
  if self.error then -- error? or normal disconnection?
  NOTE("TCP disconnection")

local err = socket:connect("localhost",1234)
if err then ERROR("Unable to connect to localhost:1234") end
if socket.connected then -- useless if already disconnected


  • connected (read-only), return true if the client is connected, otherwise return false.
  • address (read-only), address local of connection for this TCP socket.
  • peerAddress (read-only), peer address of connection for this TCP socket.
  • idleTime (read-only), return the time elapsed since the last packet has been sended.


  • connect(host[,port]), connect to the host:port indicated. If this method fails, it prints an error message and return false, otherwise it returns true.
  • disconnect(), shutdown the socket.
  • send(data), send data (LUA string) to the TCP server.


  • onData(data), call on data reception (data is a LUA string). Have to return the number of bytes remaining, it means that if you return #data (size of data received), on the next reception, data will contain precedent value concatenated with new data received.
  • onDisconnection(), call on socket disconnection.

TCP Server

To create a TCP server, call mona:createTCPServer() method (see Mona object). Here’s a complete sample to understand its usage:

server = mona:createTCPServer()
function server:onConnection(client)
  -- Here we have a TCPClient object, same usage than TCPClient
  function client:onData(data)
    NOTE("Reception from "..self.peerAddress.." to "..self.address)
    self:send(data) -- echo sample
    return 0 -- return rest (all has been consumed here)
  function client:onDisconnection()
    NOTE("TCP client disconnection")
server:start(1234); -- start the server on the port 1234


  • address (read-only), return the listening address and port for the TCP server.
  • running (read-only), return true if the TCP server is running.


  • start(address[, port]), start the TCP server on the address and port given. This method returns true if successful, otherwise it returns false and displays a ERROR log in MonaServer logs.
  • stop(), stop the TCP server.


  • onConnection(client), call on client connection. Client parameter is a TCP client as described in TCP Client.

UDP Socket

To create a UDP socket, call mona:createUDPSocket([allowBroadcast]) method (see Mona object). Here’s an echo sample to understand its usage:

socket = mona:createUDPSocket()
function socket:onPacket(data,address)
  NOTE("Reception from "..address)
  self:send(data,address) -- echo sample
err = socket:bind("") -- start the server
if err then ERROR(err) end

Following a sample in a client form, in connected mode:

socket = mona:createUDPSocket()
function socket:onPacket(data,address)
  NOTE("Reception from "..address..": "
socket:connect("", 1234)
NOTE("UDP socket opened on ",socket.address," connected to ",socket.peerAddress)


  • address (read-only), address local of connection for this UDP socket (returns NULL in an unconnected socket mode)
  • peerAddress (read-only), peer address of connection for this UDP socket (returns NULL in an unconnected socket mode)


  • connect(address[,port]), connect to the address indicated. Then UDP packets can be sent without using address argument in send method (see below).
  • disconnect(), disconnect the socket.
  • bind(address[,port]), bind to the address indicated. It can not be done on a connected socket. If this method fails, it returns an error message, otherwise it returns nothing.
  • send(data[,address, port]), send data (LUA string) to the address indicated. This address argument can be omitted if the UDP socket is in a connected mode (see connect method above).
  • close(), close the socket.


  • onPacket(data,address), call on data reception (data is a LUA string). The address argument is the sender.

Other protocols

All is possible in a non-blocking mode, and without using LUASocket extension, contact <> or <> for help.