This page references objects and events availables in a Server Application of MonaServer.


Common notions

Some notions are common for all available objects.


A property is available as follows:

value = object.property

And it can be assigned if it’s not a read-only property like that:

object.property = value


A method is called as follows:

results = object:method(arguments)

It can take multiple parameters and return mutiple results.


A few objects have also some events called by the system. Simply overload the named event by defining a function as follows:

function object:onManage()

pairs and ipairs

Objects are kind of array or map, so you can iterate between elements of objects as follows:

for index,value in ipairs(object) do

Application properties

  • name (read-only), the name of the application.
  • path (read-only), the path of the current application.
  • this (read-only), the current application’s object.
  • super (read-only), an object giving acces to members and functions of the parent application.
  • children (read-only), an associative array containing children applications as values and their names as keys (only already loaded children are availables).

See Server Application to have more information of communication between applications.


mona is a global object providing access to main Mona elements, available anywhere in all script files.


  • clients (read-only), Clients actually connected.
  • configs (read-only), return a LUA table which contains Mona configurations, it means the MonaServer.ini content file, (see Configurations) and also some others usefull parameters (application.path, application.baseName, and many others. To know really all its content, iterate on this table and print its content). One sample is given in Global configurations.
  • environment (read-only), return a LUA table which contains environment variables from the system.
  • groups (read-only), existing Groups (NetGroup running).
  • pulications (read-only), server Publications available.
  • servers (read-only), MonaServer instances actually connected to the server, see Servers object.

Example of access to a Mona global property :

for id, client in pairs(mona.clients) do
  INFO(id, " : ", client.address)


  • absolutePath(path), take in first parameter the application path and returns a absolute way for its folder. Helpful to separate the code of your server application in many LUA files (see LUA extensions and files inclusion).
  • addToBlacklist(…), add to the blacklist the address(es) ip given as input argument(s).
  • removeFromBlacklist(…), remove from the blacklist the address(es) ip given as input argument(s).
  • createIPAddress(address), convert an IP Address string to an IPAddress object without DNS resolution (not blocking method).
  • createIPAddressWithDNS(address), convert an IP Address string to an IPAddress object with DNS resolution (blocking method).
  • createSocketAddress(address), convert a Socket Address string (with host and port) to a SocketAddress object without DNS resolution (not blocking method).
  • createSocketAddressWithDNS(address), convert a Socket Address string (with host and port) to a SocketAddress object with DNS resolution (blocking method).
  • createTCPClient(), return a TCP client, see Server Application Sockets page for more details.
  • createTCPServer(), return a TCP server, see Server Application Sockets page for more details.
  • createUDPSocket([allowBroadcast]), return a UDP socket. The optional boolean allowBroadcast argument allows broadcasting date by this socket (by default it’s to false). See Server Application Sockets page for more details.
  • publish(name), publishs a server publication with the name given, this method returns a Publication object if successful, or nil otherwise. Indeed it can fail if a publication with the same name exists already. Read Publication object thereafter to get more details on how push audio,video or data packet for this publication.
  • fromAMF(data), convert the AMF data given in parameter in multiple LUA types relating (see AMF to LUA conversions to know how AMF/LUA conversion works). It returns multiple LUA data variables.
  • toAMF(…), convert the multiple LUA parameters given in a AMF format (see AMF to LUA conversions to know how AMF/LUA conversion works). It returns a string which contain data converted.
  • toAMF0(…), exactly same that the precedent method, but with a conversion priority to AMF0 format (when possible).
  • fromJSON(data), convert the JSON data given in parameter in multiple LUA types relating (see JSON to LUA conversions to know how JSON/LUA conversion works). It returns multiple LUA data variables.
  • toJSON(…), convert the multiple LUA parameters given in a JSON format (see JSON to LUA conversions to know how Query/LUA conversion works). It returns a string which contain data converted.
  • fromQuery(data), convert the Query string data given in parameter in multiple LUA types relating (see JSON to LUA conversions to know how Query/LUA conversion works). It returns multiple LUA data variables.
  • toQuery(…), convert the multiple LUA parameters given in a Query string format (see JSON to LUA conversions to know how JSON/LUA conversion works). It returns a string which contain data converted.
  • fromXML(data), convert the XML data given in parameter in multiple LUA types relating (see XML data compatibility (XML parser) to know how XML/LUA conversion works). It returns multiple LUA data variables.
  • toXML(…), convert the multiple LUA parameters given in a XML format (see XML data compatibility (XML parser) to know how XML/LUA conversion works). It returns a string which contain data converted.
  • fromXMLRPC(data), convert the XML-RPC data given in parameter in multiple LUA types relating (see XML-RPC to LUA conversions to know how XMLRPC/LUA conversion works). It returns multiple LUA data variables.
  • toXMLRPC(…), convert the multiple LUA parameters given in a XML-RPC format (see XML-RPC to LUA conversions to know how XMLRPC/LUA conversion works). It returns a string which contain data converted.
  • md5(…), computes and returns the MD5 values from input values given as arguments.
  • sha256(…), computes and returns the SHA256 values from input values given as arguments.
  • split(expression,separator[,option]), LUA has not real split operator, this function fills this gap. It splits the expression in relation with the separator term given, and returns tokens as a multiple result. A optional number argument indicates if you want to ignore empty tokens (option =1), or to remove leading and trailing whitespace from tokens (option =2), or the both in same time (option =3).
  • listPaths(dirName), return a LUA table containing objects of type File in the dirName directory (relative to the www path).
  • joinGroup(peerID, groupID), add Client with peerID to Group with groupID.
  • time(), gives the epoch time (since the Unix epoch, midnight, January 1, 1970) in milliseconds.
  • dump(data[, size]), dump data to the console and log file, if size is not specified it dump all the data.

Example of access to a Mona global function :

# Print congiguration array in a JSON format


data is the global variable that permits you to have persistent values, see The NoSQL Cache System page to know how to use it.


clients object (available by mona.clients way, see Mona object) is the collection of clients currently connected to the server.


  • (id/rawId), return a Client object, it can take the id client parameter in a string format or a raw hex format.


  • You can use the pairs() LUA function to iterate on the list of clients, keys are client.id and values are Client objects.
  • And the “#” operator to get the number of clients.


client object describes a connected client.


  • id (read-only), the client id in a readable string format, it has a size of 64 bytes.
  • rawId (read-only), the client id in a hexadecimal raw format, it has a size of 32 bytes.
  • address (read-only), address of the client.
  • path (read-only), path used in the URL connection, it gives server application related (see Server Application).
  • ping (read-only), client ping value.
  • lastReceptionTime (read-only), time of last data reception.
  • protocol (read-only), client protocol name (HTTP, WebSocket, RTMP or RTMFP).
  • query (read-only), query part of the url (used in HTTP).
  • writer (read-only), the main Writer to communicate with the client.
  • properties (read-only), dynamic properties of the client connection, depends on the protocol (see Specific Protocol Features).
  • parameters (read-only), static parameters/configuration of the client protocol (parameters can be substituated by protocol name).


  • You can use the pairs() LUA function to iterate on the lists client.properties and client.parameters.
  • And the “#” operator to get the number of properties/parameters.

In client.properties the word properties can be omitted to access directly to client’s attributes. Here is a sample with an RTMFP connection :

function onConnection(client,...)
  NOTE("client arg1 = "..client.arg1)
  NOTE("client arg2 = "..client.arg2)


client has no hard-coded method by default, and if you add some methods on, you create RPC function available from client side (see Communication between server and client for more details).


  • onAddressChanged(oldAddress), happen on client.address change (can happen for an UDP based protocol like RTMFP).
  • onJoinGroup(group), happen when the client join a P2P Group (RTMFP - NetGroup).
  • onUnjoinGroup(group), happen when the client leaves a P2P Group (RTMFP - NetGroup).
  • onPublish(publication), happen on Publication starts.

If you return false value on this event, it will send a NetStream.Publish.Failed status event with as info.description field a “Not allowed to publish [name]” message. Otherwise you can cutomize this message in raising one error in this context.

function client:onPublish(publication)
  if not client.right then
    error("no rights to publish it")

  function publication:onData(time,packet)
    -- write code here
function onStatusEvent(event:NetStatusEvent):void {
  switch(event.info.code) {
    case "NetStream.Publish.Failed":
    trace(event.info.description); // displays "no rights to publish it"


This event is not called for publications started from script code, it’s called only for client publications (see Publication object). Then of course, it’s called only in stream-to-server case (not in P2P case).

  • onUnpublish(publication), happen on Publication stops.


This event is not called for publications started from script code, it’s called only for client publications (see Publication object). Then of course, it’s called only in stream-to-server case (not in P2P case).

  • onSubscribe(listener), happen on publication subscription, Listener argument describes this subscription.

If you return false value on this event, it will send a NetStream.Play.Failed status event with as info.description field a “Not authorized to play [name]” message. Otherwise you can cutomize this message in raising one error in this context.

function client:onSubscribe(listener)
  if not client.right then
    error("no rights to play it")
function onStatusEvent(event:NetStatusEvent):void {
  switch(event.info.code) {
    case "NetStream.Play.Failed":
    trace(event.info.description); // displays "no rights to play it"


This event is called only in stream-to-server case (not in P2P case).

  • onUnsubscribe(listener), happen on publication unsubscription, Listener argument describes the abandoned subscription.


This event is called only in stream-to-server case (not in P2P case).

  • onRead(file,parameters…)

This event is used with HTTP protocol.

Called when a client try to read a file on the server. The file should exists. Parameters should be used to perform REST functionnalities.

You can also reject the connexion like this :

function client:onRead(file)
  if file ~= "index.html" then
    error("Access to file is forbidden)

You can redirect to another file returning the file name as first parameter :

function client:onRead(file)
  return "newFile"

Other parameters are treated as values for replacing templates <% property %> in file. So with the script below each <% name %> element will be replaced by “robert” :

function client:onRead(file)
  return file, {name="robert"}

If you need to return a custom response you can return nil and write you response using the writer as below:

function client:onRead(file,parameters)
  self.writer:writeRaw("hello"); -- my custom response
  return nil


You can create your own events on client object to create RPC server methods. These methods will be accessible from client side. By default if you send data to server from client without given a method name, the method invoked is client:onMessage. See Communication between server applications for more details.


A Writer is an unidirectional communication pipe, which allows to write message in a fifo to the client. Each writer is independant and have its own statistic exchange informations. It’s used to communicate with the client, see Communication between server and client to get more details. Each Client have at least one Writer opened (available by client.writer), it’s its main communication channel, but you can open many writers if need.


  • reliable, boolean to make communication server to client reliable or not. In a no-reliable case, the packet can be lost but are transfered more faster than in a reliable case. By default reliable=true.
function onConnection(client,...)
  client.writer.reliable = false
  client.writer.writeInvocation("method","hello")  -- packet more fast but can be lost
  client.writer.reliable = true


About client to server communication this property is set on client side.

_netStream.dataReliable = false
_netStream.send("method","hello") -- packet more fast but can be lost

About stream publication it’s done like that:

_netStream.audioReliable = false
_netStream.videoReliable = false

And about stream subscription you opt for a no-reliable mode like that:


Here the server will stream in a no-reliable way and without buffering, it can improve significantly performances and better cope with congestion.


  • writeRaw(…), write a result for an invocation client call, it takes multiple LUA variables as argument to convert it to AMF and send it to the client (see AMF to LUA conversions to know how AMF/LUA conversion works).
  • writeMessage(…), write a result for an invocation client call, it takes multiple LUA variables as argument to convert it to the output format and send it to the client (see AMF to LUA conversions to know how AMF/LUA conversion works).
  • writeInvocation(name,…), invoke a client method on client side. First parameter is the name of the function to call, and then it takes multiple LUA variables as argument to convert it to AMF and send it to the client (see AMF to LUA conversions to know how AMF/LUA conversion works).
  • writeStatusResponse(code,[description]), call a status event on flash side. If code argument is Call.Failed for example the status event created will be NetConnection.Call.Failed. The second optional argument is the literal description of this event.
  • flush([full]), fill queueing data to sending buffer to the pipe without waiting anymore. Helpful in some special real-time sending case with an important flow rate, to control sending. By default the sending is complete and immediate (full=true), however if the optional full argument equals false it sends only the UDP packets where no more data can be written (maximum size reached), but keep the last writing suspended. It can be usefull when you use several writers, and that you want flush their data with a certain order: you call flush(false) on all the writers, and to finish a flush() final to send last suspended data.
  • newWriter(), create a new writer communication pipe and returns it.
  • close(), close the communication pipe. In the case where you close a writer creating by yourself (in calling client.writer:newWriter()), it closes the writer and you must not use anymore the writer object which is going to be deleted. In the case where you close the main writer of its client (client.writer:close()) it closes the entiere client session.



onManage event doesn’t work for the main writer of one client, but just for a writer created by script code with newWriter() method (see methods description above).


Existing groups (NetGroup running), see Group object. groups object (available by mona.groups way, see above) is the collection of groups currently running on the server. It means all NetGroup created or joined by clients.


  • (id/rawId), return a Group object, it can take the id group parameter in a string format or a raw hex format (see Group object).
  • join(peerId,groupId), add the peerId in the group groupId. This feature acts on the NetGroup members exchange (rendezvous service), it doesn’t add the client with for id peerId in the group, it adds the peerId value as a virtual member of the group. For this reason, you have to be sure that this peer exists somewhere and has joined this group. Indeed, it’s used just in multiple-servers case (see Scalability and load-balancing page). On success it returns a Member object related.


  • You can use the pairs() LUA function to iterate on the list of Groups, keys are group.id and values are Group objects.
  • And the “#” operator to get the number of groups.


group object describes a group instance (NetGroup instance).


  • id (read-only), the group id in a readable string format, it has a size of 64 bytes.
  • rawId (read-only), the group id in a hexadecimal raw format, it has a size of 32 bytes.
  • members (read-only), the list of Clients in the group.


  • size(), return the number of client of the group.


  • You can use the pairs() LUA function to iterate on the list of members.


member object is a virtual member of one group, gotten by a groups:join(peerId,joinId) call (see Groups object). It’s here just to allow to detach this virtual member of its group. It’s done on its destruction by the LUA garbage collector, or when wanted in calling its release() method.


  • id (read-only), the peer id in a readable string format, it has a size of 64 bytes.
  • rawId (read-only), the peer id in a hexadecimal raw format, it has a size of 32 bytes.


  • release(), unjoin its group, its existence has no more meaning.


qualityOfService object describes describes how are going a publication or a subscription (see Publication and Listener objects).


  • lostRate (read-only), value between 0 and 1 to indicate the lost data rate.
  • byteRate (read-only), byte rate (bytes per second).
  • latency (read-only), delay in milliseconds between data sending and receiving.
  • lastSendingTime (read-only), last time a frame has been sent.


publications object (available by mona.publications way, see Mona object) is the collection of publications actually publishing on the server.



  • You can use the pairs() LUA function to iterate on the list of Publications, keys are publication.name and values are Publication object.
  • And the “#” operator to get the number of publications.


publication object describes a publication.


  • name (read-only), name of the publication
  • lastTime (read-only), returns the last media time published.
  • droppedFrames (read-only), return the number of dropped video frames till the publication is alive. Frames are dropped when at least one fragment is lost.
  • listeners (read-only), Listeners which have subscribed for this publication.
  • audioQOS (read-only), QualityOfService object about audio transfer for this publication.
  • videoQOS (read-only), QualityOfService object about video transfer for this publication.
  • dataQOS (read-only), QualityOfService object about data transfer for this publication.
  • running (read-only), true if the publication is running.
  • properties (read-only), returns publication properties (metadata).


  • writeProperties(properties), set publication properties (write metadata).
  • clearProperties(), clear publication properties (clear metadata).
  • pushAudio(time,packet[,ping]), push audio data to this publication. First argument is the time in milliseconds of this audio sample in the stream, the second argument is the packet data. And the last optional argument is to increment the latency counter (it’s used by QualityOfService object).
  • pushVideo(time,packet[,ping]), push video data to this publication. First argument is the time in milliseconds of this video frame in the stream, the second argument is the packet data. And the last optional argument is to increment the latency counter (it’s used by QualityOfService object).
  • pushAMFData(…), push data to this publication. The arguments passed are serialized in AMF.
  • pushAMF0Data(…), push data to this publication. The arguments passed are serialized in AMF0.
  • pushXMLRPCData(…), push data to this publication. The arguments passed are serialized in XMLRPC.
  • pushJSONData(…), push data to this publication. The arguments passed are serialized in JSON.
  • pushData(…), push data to this publication. The arguments passed are just raw concatenated (no typed serialization).
  • flush(), when you push audio, video or data packets, they are not flushed to listeners, you have to call this method to broadcast data when you have finished of pushed all available packets.
  • close([code,description]), close a publication. If this publication had been published with mona.publish function (see Mona object), the publication will be unpublished and deleted, and optional arguments are useless. Now if it’s a client publication, its method close will be invoked, and a status event will be sent if optional arguments are indicated. For example, publication:close(‘Publish.Error’,’error message’) will send a NetStream.Publish.Error statut event with as description error message, and then will invoke close method on client side for the NetStream object related.


  • onVideo(time,packet), call on video packet reception for one Publication. time is the time in milliseconds of this packet in the stream, and packet contains video data.
  • onAudio(time,packet), call on audio packet reception for one Publication. time is the time in milliseconds of this packet in the stream, and packet contains video data.
  • onData(packet), call on data packet reception for one Publication. packet contains raw data.
  • onFlush(), call on publication flush.


listeners object describes a collection of subscribers for one Publication.


  • You can use the pairs() LUA function to iterate on the list of Listener, keys are Client objects and values are Listener objects.
  • And the “#” operator to get the number of listeners.


listener object describes a subscriber for one publication.


  • client (read-only), refers to the Client object which is listening.
  • audioQOS (read-only), QualityOfService object about audio transfer for this subscription.
  • videoQOS (read-only), QualityOfService object about video transfer for this subscription.
  • dataQOS (read-only), QualityOfService object about data transfer for this subscription.
  • publication (read-only), Publication object which describes publication listening by the subscriber.
  • parameters (read-only), an array containing the url query parameters after the name of the publication (publicationName?arg1=1&arg2=test).
  • receiveAudio, boolean to mute audio reception on the subscription.
  • receiveVideo, boolean to mute video reception on the subscription.


This object is only used for IExternalizable typed object, it’s the first argument of __readExternal function, and it’s an equivalent for IDataInput AS3 class (see AMF to LUA conversions to know how AMF/LUA conversion works). It contains exactly same functions, excepting readObject() which is replaced by readAMF(x) function. readAMF(x) returns the x first LUA results which come from the AMF unserialization.


This object is only used for IExternalizable typed object, it’s the first argument of __writeExternal function, and it’s an equivalent for IDataOutput AS3 class (see AMF to LUA conversions to know how AMF/LUA conversion works). It contains exactly same functions, excepting _writeObject(object:*) which is replaced by writeAMF(…) function. writeAMF(…) takes multiple LUA arguments for AMF serialization.


Servers list of MonaServer currently connected to the server (see Scalability and load-balancing page for more details about multiple server features).


  • initiators (read-only), return a Broadcaster object including the server initiators. Server connections have a direction, with an iniator of the connection, and a target of the connection (see Scalability and load-balancing page for more details).
  • targets (read-only), return a Broadcaster object including the server targets. Server connections have a direction, with an iniator of the connection, and a target of the connection (see Scalability and load-balancing page for more details).


  • broadcast(handler,…), broadcast data to servers (initiators and targets). The handler parameter is the name of the remote procedure call method to receive data, multiple arguments following are the data (see Scalability and load-balancing page for more details).
  • (address/index), return a Server object. It can take the address of the server (string format) or the index of server (number format) as input argument. Indeed the list is sorted by order of connections.


  • You can use the ipairs() LUA function to iterate on the list of servers.
  • And the “#” operator to get the number of servers.


server object describes a server communication (see Scalability and load-balancing page for more details about multiple server features).


  • address (read-only), object address of the server.
  • host (read-only), hostname of the server.
  • port (read-only), port used for the server-to-server connection.
  • isTarget (read-only), true if the server is a target of current server.
  • configs (read-only), configuration properties of the server (see Configurations).


server object can have other dynamic properties (as Client object) which relates properties used during the server connection (see Configurations).


  • send(handler[,parameters]), call a method of the server.
  • reject([message]), disconnect from the server.

You can add some methods into a Server object to create RPC functions availables from other servers (see Scalability and load-balancing page for more details).


Allow to manipulate list of server initiators or targets gotten with servers.initiators or servers.targets (see Servers object).


  • count (read-only), number of servers.


  • broadcast(handler,…), broadcast data to servers. The handler parameter is the name of the remote procedure call method to receive data, multiple arguments following are the data (see Scalability and load-balancing page for more details).
  • (address/index), return a Server object. It can take the address of the server (string format) or the index of server (number format) as input argument. Indeed the list is sorted by order of connections.


You can use the ipairs() LUA function to iterate on the list of servers.


File object gives some properties of a file in the file system. File objects are created on a mona:listPaths(…) call (see Mona object).


  • name (read-only), name of the file
  • baseName (read-only), name of the file, without extension
  • parent (read-only), name of the parent directory
  • extension (read-only), extension of the file
  • size (read-only), size of the file
  • lastModified (read-only), date of last modification (in seconds)
  • isFolder (read-only), true if the file is a directory
  • value (read-only), full path of the file


IPAddress object gives the properties of an IP address. IPAddress objects are created on a mona:createIPAddress(…) or mona:createIPAddressWithDNS(…) call (see Mona object).


  • isWildcard (read-only), true if this address is the wildcard address (all zero)
  • isBroadcast (read-only), true if this address is the local network broadcast address (, only IPv4 addresses can be broadcast addresses)
  • isAnyBroadcast (read-only), true if this address is a broadcast address (only IPv4 addresses can be broadcast addresses)
  • isLoopback (read-only), true if this address is a loopback address
  • isMulticast (read-only), true if this address is a multicast address ( to for IPv4, FFxx:x:x:x:x:x:x:x range for IPv6)
  • isUnicast (read-only), true if this address is a unicast address (if it is neither a wildcard, broadcast or multicast address)
  • isLinkLocal (read-only), true if this address is a link local unicast address ( range for IPv4, FE80:: for IPv6)
  • isSiteLocal (read-only), true if this address is a a site local unicast address (, or to ranges for IPv4, FEC0:: for IPv6
  • isIPv4Compatible (read-only), true if this address is IPv4 compatible (for IPv6 the address must be in the ::x:x range)
  • isIPv4Mapped (read-only), true if this address is an IPv4 mapped IPv6 address (For IPv6, the address must be in the ::FFFF:x:x range)
  • isWellKnownMC (read-only), true if this address is a well-known multicast address ( range for IPv4, FF0x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x range for IPv6)
  • isNodeLocalMC (read-only), true if this address is a node-local multicast address (always false for IPv4, in the FFx1:x:x:x:x:x:x:x range for IPv6)
  • isLinkLocalMC (read-only), true if this address is a link-local multicast address ( range for IPv4, FFx2:x:x:x:x:x:x:x range for IPv6)
  • isSiteLocalMC (read-only), true if this address is a site-local multicast address ( range for IPv4, FFx5:x:x:x:x:x:x:x for IPv6)
  • isOrgLocalMC (read-only), true if this address is an organization-local multicast address ( range for IPv4, FFx8:x:x:x:x:x:x:x range for IPv6)
  • isGlobalMC (read-only), true if this address is a global multicast address ( to range for IPv4, FFxF:x:x:x:x:x:x:x range for IPv6)
  • isLocal (read-only), true if this address is local
  • isIPv6 (read-only), true if this address is a IPv6 address
  • value (read-only), the string representation of the address


SocketAddress object represents a pair host:port of a socket connection. SocketAddress objects are created on a mona:createSocketAddress(…) or mona:createSocketAddressWithDNS(…) call (see Mona object).


  • host (read-only), the IPAddress object of this socket address
  • port (read-only), the port of the socket address
  • isIPv6 (read-only), true if the host is an IPv6 address
  • value (read-only), the string representation of the socket address (host:port)


MonaServer calls some events in application server script.

Common notions

All event names starts with the on prefix.

function onConnection(client,...)


Called when the server application is built and executed the first time. The first argument is the path of the application (see Create a server application).


All server application are built on first client connection for the application, except root application (/ application), which is started on MonaServer starting.


Called when the server application is unloaded. It happens in three different cases:

  • When you edit main.lua file of one server application. Application is restarted (stopped and started).
  • When you delete a server application.
  • When MonaServer is stopping.

The first argument is the path of the application (see Create a server application).


Called on a new client connection. First argument is a Client object, and following arguments depend on the protocol (see Specific Protocol Features).

Finally you can return a table result to send some informations on RTMP&RTMFP connections (see Specific Protocol Features) or to overload some configuration parameters:

  • timeout , timeout in seconds. It overloads the timeout parameter from the configuration file (see Installation).
function onConnection(client,...)
  return {message="welcome",id=1,timeout=7}

The as3 code below illustrates the returned parameters on RTMP&RTMFP connections:

function onStatusEvent(event:NetStatusEvent):void {
  switch(event.info.code) {
    case "NetConnection.Connect.Success":
    trace(event.info.message); // displays "welcome"
    trace(event.info.id); // displays "1"

You can reject a client by adding an error of connection:

function onConnection(client,login)
  if login ~= "Tom" then
    error("you are not Tom!")

function onStatusEvent(event:NetStatusEvent):void {
  switch(event.info.code) {
    case "NetConnection.Connect.Rejected":
    trace(event.info.description); // displays "you are not Tom!"

In RTMP&RTFMP it answers with a NetConnection.Connect.Rejected status event and close the client connection. The event.info.description field contains your error message. Now if you reject a client with no error message, event.info.description field will contain “client rejected” by default.

You can subscribe for Client events under the onConnection scope like in this sample :

function onConnection(client)

  function client:onMessage(message)
    NOTE(client.address.." says "..message)



Call on Client disconnection. client argument is the disconnected client.


At this stage you can send no more data to the client, all writing to a Writer object of this client has no effect.


Call every two seconds, this event is available only in the root server application (www/main.lua). It allows easyly to get handle to manage your objects if need.

onRendezVousUnknown(protocol, peerId)

Allows to redirect a client who searchs a peerId that the rendezvous service doesn’t find. Usually you will redirect the client to one or multiple other MonaServer (see Scalability and load-balancing for more details on multiple servers usage). You can return an address, but also multiple address, or an array of addresses.

function onRendezVousUnknown(protocol, peerId)
function onRendezVousUnknown(protocol, peerId)
addresses = {,}
function onRendezVousUnknown(protocol, peerId)
  return addresses

Then you can return a Server object or a Servers object:

function onRendezVousUnknown(protocol, peerId)
  return mona.servers[1] -- redirect to the first server connected
function onRendezVousUnknown(protocol, peerId)
  return mona.servers -- redirect to all the connected servers


When this function returns multiple addresses, the client will receive all these addresses and will start multiple attempt in parallel to these servers.


Allows to redirect the client to one other MonaServer (see Scalability and load-balancing for more details on multiple servers usage), in returning address(es) of redirection. About the returned value it works exactly same the returned value of onRendezVousUnknown(protocol, peerId) event. It’s called on the first packet received from one client (before the creation of its client object associated). First address argument is the address of the client, path argument indicates the path expression of connection, properties argument is a table with the HTTP parameters given in the URL of connection (see dynamic properties of Client object description) and attempts argument indicates the number of attempts of connection (starts to 1 and is incremented on each attempt).

function onHandshake(address,path,properties,attempts)
  if attempts > properties.acceptableAttempts then
    -- This time we return all server available,
    -- and it's the client who will test what is the server the faster with parallel connection
    -- (first which answers wins)
    return mona.servers
  if index > mona.servers.count then index=1 end -- not exceed the number of server available
  return mona.servers[index] -- load-balacing system!


You can use the keyword again to request a new attempt on myself (if the other redirection doesn’t work).

function onHandshake(address,path,properties,attempts)
  return mona.servers,"again" -- redirect to the other server and my myself


Call on server connection, see Scalability and load-balancing for more details on multiple servers usage, or Server object.


Call on server disconnection, see Scalability and load-balancing for more details on multiple servers usage, or Server object.